Presenters: Dorothy Stoltz; Connie Wilson
Location: Appleton Public Library Meeting Rooms
Sponsored by: APL, OWLS
OWLS and APL have teamed up to share this webinar with OWLS member library staff and others interested in early literacy and school readiness. Joinus in Appleton's meeting room C to watch and discuss.
Are you tired of trying to convey early literacy practices to adults without getting results? Are you uncertain about the best way to present workshop information? This webinar is open to anyone trying to improve or supplement his or her skills in training adults in early literacy and school readiness. The goal of the webinar is to explore how to partner with caring adults in a workshop setting to inspire children to learn and to demonstrate how to accelerate the learning process. The webinar features easy-to-learn techniques that can be used in ECRR and other training programs. In addition, there will be three learning activities, and three question and answer sessions.
More details here: