Tuesday, April 22, 2014 - 4:00pm to 6:00pm
Kress Family Library, 333 N. Broadway, De Pere

Jon Mark Bolthouse and Chris Grugel, (aka the MacGyver Guys) will share humorous and practical approaches to what Google products MacGyver wished he had to help save the day.
Chris Grugel is the Instructional Technologist at Carthage College. He coordinates the instructional services and document retention programs for the college. He received his M.L.S. from UW-Madison in 1994 and his B.A. from St. Olaf College in 1990. He shares a cell phone with his wife and has an old analog TV that refuses to die.
Jon Mark Bolthouse is the Director of the Fond Du Lac Public Library. Jon Mark received his MS from the University of Illinois at Champaign-Urbana in 1999 and his BA in History and Asian Studies from Loyola University Chicago in 1997. Though Jon Mark’s house is filled with all sorts of technological gadgets, he has never once owned a microwave oven.
Workshop sponsored by NEWIL, NFLS, and OWLS. Contact Jamie at NFLS if you have questions about the workshop: 920.448.4413 or jmatczak@mail.nfls.lib.wi.us.
macguyver from Nicolet Libraries on Vimeo.
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