Friday, January 23, 2015 - 9:00am to 3:00pm
9:00 - Welcome and Introductions
9:15 - News from OWLS - Evan & Bradley
9:30 - Why Create @ Your Library - a short presentation by Sue and discussion of ways communities create together
10:15 - Break
10:30 - Break-out Sessions (Choose two, they will repeat)
- Teen/Tween Discussion - idea sharing specific to this age group
- Using Technology in Children's Programming - short presentation from Appleton and sharing
- Getting started, learning more about Google Drive - and a discussion of how we can work collaboratively with Google (Google Chromebooks provided)
11:15 - Break-Out Sessions (repeated)
12:00 - Lunch - Baked Potato Bar, please bring a topping to share; Sign up
1:00 - SLP Idea Swap - be prepared to share at least two ideas.
- Promotions
- Drop-In Activities
- Programs
- Events
- MakerSpace
- Community Partnerships
2:30 - Annual Report Counting Update from Tessa
2:45 - Wrap-up, Door Prizes, Clean-up, etc.
Tech Contact Hours: