Looking for ways to create opportunities for more family involvement in your youth programs? This webinar explores creative programs, initiatives, outreach and collaborations perfect for the whole family. Our panelists will share ideas, experiences, tips, and details that really work! With Karen Wendt (Monona) , Ann Hardginski (Kimberly-Little Chute) and Heide Piehler (Shorewood)
This webinar is brought to you by the Youth Services Section (or YSS) of the Wisconsin Library Association and OWLS Library System. YSS is the home for teen and children’s librarians in our state who push youth services forward and create exciting opportunities for youth librarians to network together, to lead and to learn. Please consider joining YSS by becoming a member of our statewide association: The Wisconsin Library Association. Together we are stronger!
Contact the panelists with follow-up questions:
- Karen Wendt, karen@mononalibrary.org
- Ann Hardginski, ahardgin@mail.owls.lib.wi.us
- Heide Piehler, Heide.Piehler@mcfls.org