Ripon Public Library, 120 Jefferson Street, Ripon, WI
Come for a full day of marketing and graphics training, and return to your library equipped with the knowledge and tools to make your PR efforts succeed.
After this workshop you'll be able to:
- Use tools and techniques to develop materials that effectively promote and inform your community
- Create and edit images without expensive software
- Make your marketing efforts work effectively to attract more people to programs and events
- Transform Excel spreadsheets into data visualizations & dressed-up charts that get your message across in a clear and compelling way
9 - 9:15am — coffee and conversation
9:15 – 10:15am — Marketing Your Library: How to do it Right!
There are many ways to use marketing, but are you doing it effectively? Tina will offer ideas to think about and strategies to use in order to effectively market your library.
Presenter: Tina Babler, Marketing Coordinator at Appleton Public Library
10:30 – 11:30am — Graphic Design Principles
Quality graphic design is crucial to promoting, branding, and raising awareness of your library and its valuable services. You’ll learn the principles & elements of design (unity, balance, hierarchy, color, image, and type) so your appealing & effective visual materials will communicate, not just decorate.
Presenter: Rebecca Hall, Web Development & Marketing Director at UW-Milwaukee School of Information Studies
11:45am – 12:30pm — Introduction to Using Paint.net to Create and Edit Images
Find out how powerful and full-featured this free software is for editing photos and graphics. Then come to the afternoon break-out session for hands-on practice.
Presenter: Heather Fischer, Public Information Designer for Mid-Wisconsin Federated Library System
12:30 – 1pm — lunch; $6 for pizza; sodas and bottled water included.
1 - 4pm — choose one of these breakout sessions: (please bring your laptop or mobile device)
- Hands-on Training: Using Paint.net to Create and Edit Images
Presenter: Heather Fischer, Public Information Designer for Mid-Wisconsin Federated Library System
- Hands-on Training: Using Excel to Create Data Visualizations
You'll learn some basic principles of data visualization, how to create data visualizations by making charts using Excel, and how to dress up the charts to make them clear and compelling.
Presenter: Stef Morrill, Director, WiLS
Continuing education contact hours for the full day: 5.75 (3.75 technology-related)
This workshop is co-sponsored by the Winnefox Library System and the Outagamie Waupaca Library System.