Friday, January 21, 2022 - 9:30am
1. Call to order and introductions
2. AAC Ground Rules
3. Minutes of the November 12th meeting
4. Announcements
5.SARPA Grants
6. OWLS office move
7. Present System Development timeline
8. Vote on increasing the hold limit from 25 to 50
- Should OWLSnet allow the hold limit to increase from 25 holds per patron to 50?
9. Discuss increasing checkout limit to 150
- Should OWLSnet allow the checkout limit to increase from 75 items per patron to 150?
- Do you anticipate this will cause issues at the circulation desk/self checks? If so, what kind of issues?
- What financial impact do you expect this to have on your library?
- Will this have a negative impact on what is available on your shelves?
10. Discuss updated Teacher Card Procedure
11. Adjourn