Friday, March 18, 2016 - 9:15pm
Coffee and Conversation:
9:15 a.m.
Lunch arrangements:
Subway sandwiches, $7.00
1. Call to Order and Introductions
2. Minutes of the January 15, 2016 Meeting
3. AAC ground rules
- Only one person speaks at a time
- Please wait until you are recognized to speak.
- If you've spoken to the issue already, please let others speak.
- Please use the microphone.
4. Announcements
5. Information - to be presented by OWLS and OWLSnet member library staff
- Sierra/Circulation
- Testing feature that allows libraries to delete their own items
- Update on changes to wording of overdue notices
- Marking items as damaged in Sierra
- Library card expiration email notifications
- Encore/InfoSoup update
- Changes to InfoSoup/Encore screens
- InfoSoup handout for patrons
- Cataloging update
- Changes in cataloging request process
- WPLC/OverDrive update
- Process for deciding 2017 buying pool and magazine subscriptions
- iOS app problems
- Wisconsin Historical Newspaper Portal
- SAM 10 and Windows 10 upgrades
- OWLSnet fees committee
- InfoSoup Memory Project migration
- Wisconsin Library System Redesign Steering Committee
6. Decisions - consensus decision or vote
7. Ideas submitted for discussion
- Should we purge GEAC fines and bills?
- Changing Teacher Cards
- Allowing check out of CDs
- Allowing daycare providers to participate
- Eliminating the triplicate form for paying for items from another library
8. Discussion
- SAM computers and fine blocking level
- Collection agency
- Packing delivery tubs to prevent damage to media cases
9. Adjournment