Friday, May 20, 2016 - 9:30am
Coffee and Conversation:
9:15 a.m.
Lunch arrangements:
Deli slider sandwiches from NY Deli, $7.00
1. Call to Order and Introductions
2. Minutes of the March 18, 2016 Meeting
3. AAC ground rules
- Only one person speaks at a time.
- Please wait until you are recognized to speak.
- If you've spoken to the issue already, please let others speak.
- Please use the microphone.
4. Announcements
5. Information - to be presented by OWLS and OWLSnet member library staff
- Sierra/Circulation
- IUG update
- Update on changes to wording of overdue notices
- Allowing libraries to delete their own items
- Marking items as damaged in Sierra
- Library card expiration email notifications
- Patron purge completed
- Ecommerce
- Encore/InfoSoup update
- Encore updated on May 3
- Infosoup handout for patrons
- Cataloging update
- OWLSnet Budget
- Electronic resources and enhanced content
- MyLibrary app
- Mobile worklists
- Erate update
- WPLC/OverDrive update
- Procedure for patron support
- Buying pool update
- SAM 10 and Windows 10 upgrades
- SAM reports
- SAM and patron PIN
- Lending wifi hotspots
- Memory Project update
- Wisconsin Library System Redesign Steering Committee
6. Decisions - consensus decision or vote
- Purging GEAC fines and bills - OWLSnet member libraries agree to waive all outstanding patron fines and bills that were incurred prior to February 21, 2006, and authorize OWLS to permanently delete all data related to those fines and bills.
- SAM computers and fine blocking level – Each OWLSnet member library may choose the dollar amount owed at which SAM will block a patron’s access to public computers at their library.
7. Ideas submitted for discussion
8. Discussion
- Review Resource Sharing: List of Exceptions
- Changing Teacher Card Procedure
- Implementing collections in OWLSnet
9. Adjournment