AAC Meeting - November 20, 2020


Friday, November 20, 2020 - 9:30am to 2:00pm



  1. Call to order and introductions 
  2. AAC Ground Rules 
  3. Minutes of the October 16th meeting 
  4. Announcements 
  5. InfoSec
    1. We received an LSTA grant to provide information security training to all OWLSnet staff. Baseline testing is now completed, and we would like your help promoting the training to your staff to increase participation.   
  6. Tools for virtual programming
    1. Several OWLSnet libraries have decided to use their DPI CARES funding to support web conferencing and virtual programming. Some libraries have asked what they should purchase.
    2. Please share recommendations based on what has worked well at your libraries.
  7. BiblioCommons overview 
  8. Shoutbomb Voice Messaging 
    1. Shoutbomb offers a voice messaging service that will call patrons on the libraries behalf for hold pickup notices. Implementing this service will allow libraries to sign up for Shoutbomb SMS messaging through CARL. It’s very affordable. Libraries can opt out if they’d like. Implementing this will require some data scrubbing, namely with the “E” or other letters in CARL. We could reverse this and place a “P” after the phone numbers libraries would need to call. 
  9. Do patrons age 16 or older need a different patron type? 
    1. There is currently no linking in CARL, so our Sierra process of unlinking patrons when the reach age 16 is not applicable. We had anticipated using the Juvenile Grow Up Age in CARL to alert staff they were over 16, but that is not working as anticipated. Is it necessary to alert staff when a patron is between 16 and 18 years old?  
  10. Should Expired Cards be able to place holds? 
    1. CARL has functionality that allows patrons to place holds with an expired card. This was a change from Sierra we were going to ask about at the March AAC meeting. When the March AAC meeting was cancelled, OWLS made a decision to allow expired cards to place holds. We believed was appropriate since it requires the patron to come into the library to pick the holds up; however, we are hearing it might not be useful and possibly even disruptive. Should we change the setting back to the Sierra behavior of not allowing patrons with expired cards to place holds? 
  11. CARL Roadmap 
  12. Other CARL Priorities 
    1. What issues in CARL are causing the biggest disruptions or delays in day-to-day operations? 
    2. What questions would you like to ask or tasks you’d like to see demonstrated? 
  13. Adjourn