Friday, September 19, 2014 - 9:30am
Coffee and Conversation:
9:15 a.m.
Lunch arrangements:
Lunch will be hearty salads and bread from Great Harvest at $6 per person.
1. Call to Order
2. Minutes of the May 16, 2014 meeting
3. AAC ground rules
4. Announcements
5. Information - to be presented by OWLS and OWLSnet member library staff
- Sierra/Circulation
- Sierra upgrade in October
- Delay on Sierra in the wild (using Sierra outside the library)
- Stale Holds
- Cataloging: SkyRiver
- WPLC/Overdrive
- OWLSnet website
- OWLSnet training/proficiencies
- Meraki wireless controllers and wireless statistics
- Fiber to libraries
- New OWLSnet network switch
6. Decisions - consensus decision or vote
- Encore or BiblioCommons: Making the Discovery Layer Choice
7. Ideas submitted for discussion
- Tentative 2015 AAC meeting dates:
- Jan 16
- March 20
- May 15
- July 17
- Sep 18
- Nov 20 (not at Appleton) or Nov 13 at Appleton
- Potluck at November AAC meeting?
- What a hoot! awards
8. Discussion
9. Adjournment