As announced on the WPLC list this morning, OverDrie magazines are now live. I put a brief note on the InfoSoup page with a link to an announcement page - . The post has links to an OverDrive help document and video, as well as a modified version of the WPLC support document.
- Support doc for Patrons:
- Support doc for Staff:
We have MARC records for the titles and will try to get them in the catalog as soon as possible. As with all new things from OverDrive, getting started is the hard part. Once set up, the process runs pretty smoothly. I suspect that one common question may be about how to get the NOOK app on a Kindle Fire. I will try to put together a help document for that process. For now, google "nook app kindle fire" or something like that, and you will see instructions for side-loading the NOOK app on to a Kindle Fire. Please let me know if you have any questions.