I just got some additional information from OverDrive. They have posted a couple updated, and easier to follow help articles:
- FAQs: http://help.overdrive.com/customer/portal/articles/2323563
- Help article: http://help.overdrive.com/customer/portal/articles/2323453
They also said they made a change last night that will hopefully simplify the process for fixing these issues – you don’t need to know what authorization was used the first time around, if users get the fulfillment errors they can simply (a) Deauthorize and (b) Re-Authorize (using anything they choose) and (C) Re-download their title from their bookshelf.
I have posted these updated articles on the What's Simmering article -- https://infosoup.info/ws/feb-10-2016/overdrive-update-ipadiphone-updated-0. Please refer patrons to the help articles. If patrons continue to have problems, let them know that OverDrive is working on updating the App as soon as possible. Note that, per the FAQ, the users OverDrive Reading History is lost forever upon updating the App. I will let you know as soon as I hear more from OverDrive. Thanks,